Wise Mind Publications - Ras Irice - Back O Wall - Front Cover
Wise Mind Publications – Ras Irice – Back O Wall – Back Cover

Back O’ Wall – Ras Irice


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Product Description

A Wise Mind Publications original.

First page excerpt…


Back O’ Wall, with my own self interpretation, I see that we are behind the civilization of what going on. We just behind the wall. You don’t have any use because the interpretation when you fol- low it up, it is a slum, and the occupants of it are the destitute ones them. Their identity is from slavery. So the colonialism allow that to take place. The kind of colonial society at that time, then Back O’ Wall would be a proper name used for our livity in our en- campment.

Back O’ Wall, for I, is a University of higher learning. It keep you in touch with you African lifestyle. The inhabitance of Back O’ Wall was a mixed group. The people there are peasants. In that peasantry you have the political force, people whom the politi- cians depend on when the voting time comes around, then you have cultural people, people is like pocomania. You can trace po- comania and find out that its origin is not western, but African cul- ture, but certain ones have not gone that dimension to find out that is our own thing. African life-style is build up upon various differ- ent segments of lifestyle. Therefore you have the Rasta, which was the strongest cultural group from Back O’ Wall.

Where Prince Emanuel was abiding was not known as Back O’ Wall. That section is over Grass Yard, adjoining to Ackee Walk, because you have Back O’ Wall, Ackee Walk, and Grass Yard in that vicinity, different from For Sure Road, you have Shanty Town and Moon Light City out at Hunts Bay. Spanish Town Road, just at the roundabout, where the market vicinity is Moon Light City.

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