Wise Mind Publications - Mama Dean - Front Cover
Wise Mind Publications – Mama Dean – Back Cover

Mama Dean


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Product Description

A Wise Mind Publications original.

First page excerpt…

My name is Everdene Reid also known as ‘Dawta Dean’ or ‘Mama Dean’ within the Nyah Binghi House; my baptized Ethiopian Orthodox name is Finote Silase; my father is Rastaman.

In the year 1969, Holy Thursday I made my decision to become Rastafari, on Wednesday night I told all my friends of my decision because I did not want to face another Good Friday in Babylon.

My elder and teachers were Bongo Steel, Bongo Priest, Bongo Iyah and Bongo Hill.

Bongo Watto was a spoken person; most people admired him for his good qualities, people abroad said his letters were like epistles. The an- cient did not beg, he almost preach to people, he was a teacher of Rastafari livity and one of the Incient Priest of the Order of the Nyah Binghi. The ancient carried a staff that is typical of all ancients. The rod signifies the days of Jesus the Christ who brought a rod with him on his journeys. When Incient Bongo Watto founded the Youth Black Faith, I was out in Babylon and was not Rastafari. I learned that every Saturday, Rastafari of the Youth Black Faith, robed in full white or black would visit the tabernacle to worship and give Ises to His Maj- esty Emperor Haile Selassie I.

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