Product Description
A Wise Mind Publications original.
First page excerpt…
The Government of Jamaica’s declaration of war on innocent Rastafari and the practice of vigilante justice during the Coral Gardens Uprising of 11th April 1963 and beyond must be accounted for. As such the Gov- ernment of Jamaica needs to comply with Resolution #32 & #33 of the Durban Declaration, which is to “recognize the value and diversity of the cultural heritage of African and people of African descent and af- firm the importance and necessity of ensuring their full integration into social, economic and political life with a view of facilitating their full participation at all levels in the decision-making process.” The Univer- sal Declaration of Human Rights Article #18 declares: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right in- cludes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance”. Each one has the right to read the Bible and find the truth for them- selves or to conform to the ways of the righteousness of their choosing, but it seems like the slave masters bull-whip of enforcement is now placed into the hands of the house slave who is trying hard to be the master of the plantation.Rastafari are citizens of Jamaica and should not be treated with blatant discrimination. The outright destabilization of Rastafari communities, dislocation of families, the forcing of Rastafari into desolate places, the branding of innocent Rastafari as criminals, the whole scale lock up and trimming of Rastafari must be accounted for by the Government of Jamaica, this cannot be business as usual.