Product Description
A Wise Mind Publications original.
First page excerpt…
Ancient Bongo Jack is a 1963 “Bad Friday” Coral Gardens Atrocity survivor, he is one of the early days Rastafari, born 1942 he trod “Back O’Wall” on foot from Montego Bay and many other places in western Jamaican his early days, sharing the revelation of Emperor Haile Selassie, Jah Rastafari.This is an excerpt of the testimony of Ancient Bongo Jack tribulation during the harsh Coral Gardens Atrocity.
‘And when I look one of the police man and his colleague ran up, one with his gun and he jook me in my side with his bayonet.
I said to him, but officer, really I did not commit any thing, I was hiding from you, personal, look far I was from you ?
I did nothing, imagine you have the bayonet joking me, what are you doing? It is you creating war on me; I am not creating any war.
The police said don’t talk man, if you talk –Look! Man move –the other police run come and said ‘Turn around.”
When I turn around, he tied my hands behind my back, I then said
“Fari, I leave it in thy hands, for the wicked prevail but he can’t over- come.”
Today Ancient Bongo Jack is unable to seek employment; for him to provide food is daily and ongoing struggle, he is overwhelmed with many medical problems such as:
Swelling of the foot and legs.
His domestic needs:
Repairs to his house, such as replacement of old zinc and rotten boards Casting of the floor.
Repairing of damaged side walls.