
Word Sound Vol. 1


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Product Description

A Wise Mind Publications original.

First page excerpt…

Don’t ever think you can change the laws of life. It will always be Good over evil and Right over wrong.

Some people live on prayers of hatred, they don’t see the good in others, they see you only at face level, they don’t know you, yet they point the finger and don’t realize that their own fingers are pointing at them.

As the overwhelming crisis unfold let good sense prevail, let equal rights and justice speak for the fallen ones and let the families be com- forted in times of trouble.

The movement of Jah People is essential in this Iwah and when there are baton changes in Inciency, not to say to displace the an- cients and what they sacrificed for, but to assimilate the ancient trod and live in the present reality of Rastafari in these modern times.

When philosophy, doctrine and dogma overwhelm you, how and when will you have a practical approach to the things of today?
Why grumble when you can be humble.