Product Description
A Wise Mind Publications original.
First page excerpt…
The Rastafari movement is presently one of uniformity in diversity; none the less InI Rastafari have to bun a fiya! On slave master and wagggonist mentality, the I sight?
Jamaica in 1831 was a slave country. All the motions of the economy assumed the secure existence of slavery: the total social system was controlled and dominated by the institution of slavery.
In 1832, an estimate was given to the British House of Lords Select Committee on Slavery and Jamaica topped the list of the value of the West Indian Colonies with the sum of 58,125,298 pounds.
Through the divine presence of Haile Selassie, the movement has ex- panded tremendously over the many years. From each nation, one Rastafari will be chosen Rastafari. However many will not be the evangelist, but will always be the wonderful people, the conscience of the people, the defender of the poor and needy, the voice oppressed and dispossessed.
It is always good to rise to a new level of Rastafari consciousness and not be carried away with of men and people, however in this judgment there is no partiality.
The journey on the timeline is a full circle; the balance of things will become the oneness of things. The challenges are many, the heathen will range, yet the righteous will not despair, no weapon formed against the righteous will prosper, law and order will always prevail even in the most despairing times.