Product Description
A Wise Mind Publications original.
First page excerpt…
Greetings and love in the Names of His and Her Imperial Majesties Emperor Haile Selassie 1st and Empress Menen Asfaw
Bredren and Sistren, Rastafari Administrators, Houses and Organizations
This code is intended for the Rastafari Nation to be observed as a moral guide to the integrity and steadfastness of the Na- tion. Though many may not consider it to be a part of their daily livity, it is however just a guide
The framing of this code was five years in the making, and many things were taken into consideration. The framers have listed and debated the different aspects and opinions of everyone who contributed to its development, whether they were done via e-mail or internet web forums or the telephone and meetings
The recommended Rastafari Code of Conduct was first rati- fied in July–August 2008 at the Global Nyah Binghi Consul- tation held at the Nyah Binghi Grounds, Scotts Pass, Claren- don, Jamaica, by the Nyah Binghi Ancient Council and the Nyah Binghi Delegations from across the Caribbean, Africa and the USA. Further collective input was made by the Nyah Binghi National Council UK in 2010.
The second revision of the Rastafari Code of Conduct was done by Rastafari Regal Livity (UK) -26th January 2015..