Product Description
A Wise Mind Publications original.
First page excerpt…
I born a Rasta, meaning I was born in the faith of Rastafari. I am the first youth for I father. I grow up hearing my father saying Rasta, how- ever, I could not grow locks, and none of my siblings could either. I grew up in Killsome (Kingston city). I started grown locks on the 14th of October 1973, I throw away the comb.I have two brothers who were Rastafari before my mother has the faith and she said she doesn’t want her children to grow locks; she said the same thing about our father.
I never see my mother giving my father a face basin with a tooth brush or toothpaste and towel, she never provided water for my father to wash his face and brush teeth.I knew my father getting up early and used the morning dew from the banana leaf or the cocoa leaf to wash his face. Opposite the kitchen we had a chew stick tree, another tree that we called crocus or ‘search mi heart’ that my father used to boil tea with, along with green ganja herb. My father instructed us to chew the chew-stick and use it to clean our
teeth as it was good for the gum.When we eat and belch we cannot say excuse we have to say give thanks, when we ease our body we cannot say excuse we have to say beg pardon or give thanks.